About Us

The Golden Rule Measuring board has been the industry standard for over 40 years. We still manufacture the bump board here in Greenfield, Indiana. We check the square and laser engrave each and every board so that we maintain the tradition and provide our customers a quality product. Make sure you buy the Original Golden Rule over an imported China Board. Just because it’s gold in color does not make it the Original Golden Rule. Look for the Made in the U.S.A. engraved right on the board.
In 2006 I purchased the Company from Indiana Fishing Hall of Fame inductee Joe Landwerelen. I was an avid fisherman and my background was in Manufacturing and so I took on this venture to expand Gator Grip’s product offering and keep the tradition of Gator Grip here in the USA.
Our first new product in 2006 was the Zippered Pro Bag and insertable mesh liner. This was an endeavor to promote fish care first and foremost. I have fished a lot of Jackpot tournaments over the years and I wanted to come up with a way to transport the fish and get them weighed in a hurry and back to their natural environment. So, I turned to the people at BASS to see if it was a viable option on a national level. The mesh bag turned out to be a great success and tournament trails and DNR officials implemented them across the Nation. We have been copied a few times but we are the only ones making them in the USA.
Gator Grip introduced the RTB White Weigh-in Bags in 2008 to fill a need for a better non-zippered weigh bag. What we came up with is a bag with two unique features being a white exterior and a black interior. The exterior of the bag reflects the suns heat calmed the fish all in one product.
In 2009 we also acquired the rights to the clear and also the black bag the Bag-em Bass Bags had currently handled. The previous owner due to health concerns decided to close his doors after many years in the bass fishing industry.
2012 we came out with the 4” Tackle Rac. This is the best way to keep your handle tools in on place while you’re out on the water.
In 2013 Stacey Arnold came on board as a full time Operations Manager with a background in the boating industry.
The following years up until today we have developed many new products like the balance beam, culling bags and of course our reel handles. We appreciate your support and remember next time you buy a measuring board or weigh bag to buy American!